Danube Cruise Trip, September 26-October 13, 2013
Part 25 - Budapest, Hungary - Other Sculptures

King Stephen I (St. Stephen, St. Istvan), in front of the Fisherman's Bastion.

The Turul bird, part of the origin myth of the early Hugarian people.

King Matthias, on the facade of the Hilton Hotel.

Raven with a ring, part of the legend of King Matthias.

War and Peace (respectively), on either side of the entrance to the Budapest History Museum.

Statue representing the Holy Trinity, in Holy Trinity Square.

Prince Eugene of Savoy.

The Fountain of the Fishing Children.

Marco d'Aviano, a Capuchin friar.

Bronze policeman.

Imre Nagy, a hero of the failed Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

Franz Liszt (near St. Stephen's Basilica).

Detail on a building.

Danube Cruise Trip index


Last updated November 7, 2013