Sarajevo (June 27-July 2, 2000)

Our hosts, Aida, Hazim, and Mirsada

The Miljacka River runs through Sarajevo

Hazim, Karen, Mirsada, Aida, and Molly at the Sebilj (fountain) in old Sarajevo

The National Library (center right) was shelled and burned by Serbs

On the way to Mostar


Molly and Aida waiting for a flat tire to be changed, on the way back from Mostar

Dinner at the apartment of Aida's friend Dijana (Dijana on the left, her parents Aida and Emil on the right)

SFOR soldiers were everywhere (but tanks were rare)

Aida with her grandmother, Razija Kurtovic

A typical artillery scar in a sidewalk

What happens when shells hit a building instead of the sidewalk


Last updated May 19, 2004