Seattle / Vancouver, September 18-28, 2012
Part 7 - Tofino, BC

Our hotel in Tofino, the Best Western Tin Wis Resort - seen from its beach.

It's a long beach, bounded at both ends by large rocks.
Sometimes the water was calm . . .

. . . and sometimes it was choppy.

Karen on the beach.

Jim on the beach.

There are many islands, both nearby and far away.

Rocks and trees.

The rocks have a peculiar pattern of fracture lines.

Guess which way the prevailing wind blows!

Approaching sunset on the beach.


This 800 year old cedar is being preserved in downtown Tofino.

As we began our whale-watching tour, a bald eagle was watching in the Tofino harbor.

Otters played in the Pacific waters.

Sea lions occupied a little island.

More sea lions.

This grey whale with a white spot surfaced every several minutes, ...

. . . spouted, . . .

. . . and dove down again.

Kennedy Lake, from the bus on the way to the ferry back to Vancouver.

The bus driver said that these "water bomber" planes, used in fighting forest fires, are based on Sproat Lake, also on the way to the ferry.

From the ferry, approaching Vancouver.


Seattle/Vancouver index

Last updated October 6, 2012